come e dove Petra arriva in tavola
come e dove Petra arriva in tavola
Bis in Brera, in Milan, for pizzeria Ci Sta: an ambitious format that focuses on Italian identity

Milan is a great Italian market for high quality pizza: some choose one and will never betray it, some go here and there because choosing their one and only favourite is hard…

For others it's just a constant pilgrimage in search of the favourite pizza. For those who are still in search, do stop at Ci Sta for a tasting of Italy enclosed in a slice of pizza. The one in Via Castelfidardo is the second location, opened in September, while the first one, in Via Procaccini, opened in May, at the end of the second lockdown. Not a truly happy time, yet it didn't take long for satisfaction to arrive and after a few months, the new projects are already real. Instinct? Hazard? Nothing of the kind. Instead, the pragmatic and thoughtful well-thought-out vision of entrepreneur Nico Grammauta who runs and directs the backstage of the Ci Sta universe, a format of pizzeria (pre)destined to grow, and go abroad.

Born in Palermo, based since 22 years ago in Milan, after some significant experience in finance, Nico arrived in Milan and later landed in the administrative boards of Pizzium and Temakinho. From there, he went straight to the goal of opening a business of his own.

«No project can survive if it lacks a farsighted entrepreneurial vision, which cannot just focus on the goodness of a product, but must study the steps to take with perspective, discretion and seriousness. Yet we never forgot that people, after all, don't expect a lesson in finance when they come here at Ci Sta, but a place where they can have a good time. And, above all, a good pizza».

Pizza, indeed: with a high concentration of Italy, through ingredients that cover the country from the northeast to Nico's Sicily, hence from prosciutto friulano from Cormons to capers from Pantelleria. In other words, every ingredient represents an aware choice of territory, and is part of a wider context. Which implies that suppliers and employees are considered as crucial assets for a successful enterprise.

«We want to create a strong connection with our suppliers who, in time, have become friends. We try to understand each other's needs, to grow together. For instance, all our dough is the result of a personalised milling with stone and cast iron of Petra flour, with a mix that was fine-tuned by Petra Molino Quaglia for our pizzas and focaccias. And a similar synergy also applies to the team at Ci Sta».

As in the case of Enrico Formicola, product and production manager, baker and pizzaiolo, who has designed with Nico a pizza that can fully express its Italian identity: round, soft and light; 33 cm of diameter with a 2.5 edge, a thin and crispy shell. Little details that make it digestible and delicious.

Marialuisa Iannuzzi

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